Sunday, February 23, 2020

Important Update!

I'm just going to leave this here...

The all important, golden MOMENTUM has been SNATCHED!


It truly has been a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and I learned so much about New Hampshire politics and the 2020 Presidential race.

I will leave you with this... VOTE
Please exercise your right to vote. It is the most important civic duty and has so many real world implications that are felt so deeply in so many communities. 
Vote for the candidate that you believe will be the best President.
Never be afraid to support your candidate.
Vote with your mind and heart
And vote for Elizabeth Warren .. totally unbiased opinion..

Looking Ahead

Up next.. Nevada, South Carolina, and Super Tuesday!

Elizabeth's campaign is strong in these states, and these next two weeks will be monumental. A first or second place finish is crucial to gain in Nevada or South Carolina. Super Tuesday is the real test, and she needs to win at least 4 states to stay in this race. Let's pay special attention to California and Texas during Super Tuesday. If she can win one of these states, then that will create the momentum to make it to the convention.

Let's all hope that we are not on the road to a contested convention, but for now, let's see how this turns out! I am currently continuing my efforts in Florida to help Elizabeth win this state.

Hopefully something sparks some major momentum for her. It's about time.

What I Learned

Well.. I am home and have slept for about 14 hours straight.
After some reflection, here are some things I learned during my trip:

New Hampshire takes their politics to a whole new level. Like a level that I have never seen before. The picture above is a wall full of tons of Presidential campaign signs from over the years, and I think it accurately depicts the chaos of the NH primary.
A lot of people vote off of a gut feeling. When I would ask voters why they were voting for a certain candidate, I would get answers that were not focused on policy issues but more focused on a gut feeling or intuition.

One moment can change the entire race. Amy's debate performance changed the game. She really outshined the other candidates during that debate, and it spread like wildfire. The next day, almost every voter I spoke to said that they are now considering Amy. And on election day, she pulled off a major surprise by getting a strong third place finish. Momentum has a lot of power.

The top issue of NH voters is beating Trump in November. I couldn't keep track of how many times I heard voters say that is the most important thing to them.

A lot of voters will "vote blue no matter who," meaning that whoever is the candidate in November, they will vote Democratic. I heard that a lot, and it certainly is relieving to hear.

New Hampshire is cold. Very cold.

Elizabeth Warren needs to be President

Canvassing is incredibly important and holding those one-on-one conversations with voters is so effective. You may not talk to as many people as phone banking, but the quality of the conversations is so much better while canvassing. I got to talk to so many voters and was able to persuade some people to vote for Elizabeth!

I need to work as hard as I can to elect Elizabeth Warren because now is the time for big, structural change. This moment will only come once.

The Results

^ wow.. 4,449 voters.. ^

Election Night

Well, the results for the primary came rolling in during a watch party with Elizabeth. It was an unexpected result, to say the least..

Elizabeth ended up in 4th place with about 9.2% of the vote. That still equates to 27,387 people who voted for her.. but it was not enough to win.

I got really sad and discouraged.. but Elizabeth came on the stage and really lifted the spirits in the room, which is an impressive skill. I think the pictures above accurately display how I was feeling: content, motivated to work harder, and optimistic about the future.

Her speech emphasized that her campaign is built for the long run, and that she is not going anywhere. She congratulated Bernie, Pete, and Amy for doing well, which was a classy move and strangely made me feel better. She continued to speak upon her vision and the path to get there. She said that it's an uphill battle, but we can certainly get there. She thanked everyone for getting her to this point, which felt nice to be thanked from the boss herself. That speech was the perfect ending to my New Hampshire Primary experience, and I felt proud to be a part of this campaign.

I left wanting to Dream Bigger, Fight Harder, and Win!

*insert clever joke about balloon Elizabeth here

I tried for a long time to think of a clever joke.. but failed.
Also, it took a lot of restraint to not take the "Dream Big Fight Hard Live Proud" sign right off the wall. I want it.. so bad..



We got to go to a new office today in Nashua, and they still had us canvassing! We were trying to get as many people to the polls as possible to vote for Elizabeth. If they didn't have a ride, we were supposed to call the office and a car was going to come. It was an intense day.. and I can't believe today is the day! Everything has been building up to this day.. and I'm sure the people of New Hampshire will be ecstatic to not have to deal with canvassers for a couple days :)

..probably literally only a couple days..


WE MET ELIZABETH WARREN! We got into a town hall in Portsmouth, and SHE DID HER FAMOUS SELFIE LINE! Wow... this moment was surreal. I got to meet one of my heroes and role models! She took the time to listen to me and I got to tell her why I'm in this fight and why her plan to expand social security is so important and personal to my family. She told me to send her love to my family, and just wow. She is so presidential and caring.

I also got waayyyyy more nervous than I thought I would be.. Look at the last picture..

Seacoast for Warren!

 We got to experience a new office today! We went to Portsmouth, which was the most beautiful city I have seen in New Hampshire. So grateful for this experience!
And I found a clever way to hold my lit! Came in handy for canvassing and having free hands.
Bulls take on Portsmouth!
We got to explore downtown after canvassing. Canvassing was the easiest it has ever been! All of the houses were right next to each other, and it only took us about 30 minutes to finish a packet.

Choose CoUrage

So today was a HIGHLIGHT! If you look closely in the picture, you can see some familiar curls inside the U.

This picture was taken at the 100 Club Dinner. After canvassing in the morning, we got to go to this event because Dr JSM has all the connections and luckily got us tickets. We got to sit in the Warren section, and it was amazing seeing the arena filled with passionate voters of all candidates in different sections. We got to see EVERY candidate speak! Every candidate's fans reacted differently when people spoke. Some sections were more considerate than others.. but the Warren section DOMINATED! We were by far the loudest, most passionate voters in the arena. It was so cool being surrounded my Warren supporters all night. Hearing every candidate, even Tulsi, was quite the experience! This was really the Super Bowl of politics.

Craziest Day Ever (Debate Vis)

So today started out normal.. We went to the office and knocked some doors and then got picked up to go to debate vis. When Dr JSM first said "debate vis," I had no idea what she was talking about.. but now I'll never forget it.

I stood outside, in the rain.. and then freezing rain.. and then snow (wind was constant), for 5 hours. We held huge signs for Warren on the side of the street, and competed in chanting wars with other campaigns. It was incredibly intense, and people took it very very very seriously. By the time it got dark, there were hundreds of people there, all chanting different chants and running around. We were competing for who could have the best sign positions on the street, who could be the loudest, and it was a big game. I was the coldest I have ever been. I think that was the moment that I realized how intense people are in NH about politics.

It was also the moment that I realized curls can freeze..

Friday, February 7, 2020

Bailey 4 First Pooch

Well Elizabeth was wayyyy too busy to do her iconic selfie line tonight, BUT BAILEY IS JUST AS GOOD! Bailey Warren is the goodest of good boys, and he was the softest fluffer ever. Of course, we needed to present him with our RTWH2020 t shirt! As you can see, we think he liked it :)

The Warren Crew!

What a good lookin group of Elizabeth supporters fighting for big, structural change
Special guest Dr. JSM!
.. We are trying super hard to bring her over to the Winning Warren side ;)


I SAW ELIZABETH WARREN IN PERSON TODAY! She is so incredibly inspiring, personable, and FUNNY! Hearing her background and how it has shaped her to be a qualified candidate for President was so interesting to hear. She took so many questions at the end, and I got teary eyed when she was discussing LGBTQ+ issues. I really do look up to her, and she deserves to be President. 

Also, shout out to Dr. JSM for being so kind and amazing for taking us to this event! You made my whole year :)

Snowy Canvassing

This was my best day canvassing yet.. and we had around 8 inches of snow to battle! I definitely did not bring the right shoes, but I learned to walk in Erica's footsteps because she had snow boots on. New Hampshire covered in snow is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. 

Our campaign told us that bad weather means excellent canvassing shifts because people feel bad for you already so they open the doors. I met so many undecided voters and made my case for Elizabeth. And I knocked my first die hard Elizabeth supporter and it was such a good energy boost!

Also, remember to dream big, fight hard, and LIVE PROUD!

Climate Town Hall

Having the chance to go to a climate town hall???? WHAT!? THAT IS AMAZING! Shout out to our amazing professor and queen, Dr. JSM for making this happen in our busy schedule! It was an amazing experience to hear Amy Klobuchar, Andrew Yang, and Tom Steyer talk about climate. Look at these awesome pics with them! The Tom picture is funny.. and Tom posted it on his instagram story! And my Andrew Yang picture is such a creeper pic! The bottom left picture is with Dr. Johnson, the climate surrogate for Elizabeth Warren. Unfortunately, Elizabeth had to be in the impeachment trial... but Dr. Johnson BLEW ME AWAY! She was amazing and so knowledgeable. Like wow....... no words on how great she was. She was even better than the actual candidates. Elizabeth Warren is the BEST climate candidate.


Well this was a great way to get good news! I finally found out that I am good to go to move to California after graduation! I am going to be working at Disneyland and I am so excited! I have been looking for this email for a long time, and I've been so busy that I didn't notice I got this until midnight! 

After a Long Day of Canvassing..

After a long day of canvassing, it felt great to unwind at the local tavern, The Barley House. It was great food and a really fun environment. And what a great picture in the restaurant! The caption reads, "The road to the White House starts at the Barley House"
More like RTWH2020 finishes at the Barley House,.. to relax after a long day of canvassing :) #RTWH2020

Second Day Canvassing

Second day of canvassing!
The first picture is a beautiful picture of the New Hampshire snow and landscape :) I love being able to truly discover New Hampshire on foot. So beautiful! 

The second picture is the face of a canvasser who walks down a loooonnnnnnng dirt road for one house who doesn't answer the door. The walk back was sad. 

Other than that, it was a FANTASTIC day of canvassing! I think America is ready to put a woman in the White House!

Found my People!

I found some of my people outside the state house! Let's

Eye Spy

Eye Spy.. with my little eye... Elizabeth Warren's signature :)
How many candidates do you recognize?

This candidate wall was so cool! It was at the New Hampshire State House, and every candidate has visited this exhibit.

My First Canvassing Shift!!!!!

My first day canvassing EVER ! It was so nerve wracking. It took my a good 15 minutes to figure out where my first door was, but when I did, everything was so smooth and easy after that. I had some really good conversations about Elizabeth Warren in downtown Concord. There were some beautiful views and New Hampshire is a great state! One thing I learned, it is very cold in February in New Hampshire, but the key is finding the sunlight.

Also, take a look at why people are in the fight for Elizabeth. It is truly inspiring.

P.S. Is it embarrassing that my knuckles were bruised by the end of the day from knocking on 75 doors?

First Day at the Field Office in Concord!

Today was a nerve-wracking day! It was the first day in the Warren field office in Concord! The campaign staff there were so amazing and taught us so many tips and tricks with canvassing. One thing I didn't know.. have you ever had a canvasser knock on your door and you wondered why they refused to come inside? Well, it is not allowed for canvassers to enter your home! I didn't know that, and it was one of many things I learned during my training in the morning. Also, Senator Warren made an appearance in the office today!! She is looking extra thin these days!

Sunday, February 2, 2020

And We're Off!

T-minus 10 minutes until we are in the air!
See you soon NH!

The Road to the White House

The Lucky Few
Here are the 29 lucky students who got the opportunity of a lifetime. Our 3 credit course, The Road to the White House, teaches us all about the Presidential primary process. We have the opportunity to learn directly from the expert, Dr. JSM. She has taught us all about why New Hampshire is important in the sequential primary process, and how grassroots campaigning works. 

And the best part, from Feb 2nd-12th, we get to participate in a 3 credit internship in the first-in-the-nation primary in New Hampshire! We get to work for the candidates of our choice, and our class will be spread out between Amy Klobuchar, Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg, Andrew Yang, Donald Trump, the NH GOP, and the best campaign, Elizabeth Warren!

I wanted to participate in this class because it is the epitome of experiential learning and is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be able to learn the history and politics of presidential elections while also being in the field canvassing for the candidate I believe in.

Important Update!

I'm just going to leave this here... The all important, golden MOMENTUM has been SNATCHED!